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Blessed? Hmmmm?

So today, I am having one of those days.  You may have had them too, or maybe you are lying to yourself and everyone else and you don't have them.  I am many things, mom, wife, nurse, Lactation Consultant (aka Titty Technician), friend, woman, daughter, but these things are what I am to other people.  Who and what am I to me, myself?  Who am I, what am I?  I am TIRED, selfish, easily distracted, a chaotic mess.  I think I have lost myself in the last few years and need to find my way back.  

I have this love of quotes and quirky sayings.  I use to pin them on pinterest and collect them.  I have many favorites.  For example:

"She is delightfully chaotic, a beautiful mess.  Loving her is a splendid adventure." Steve Maraboli  

So today I was at Barnes and Noble, I was going to pick up a journal and sit and write.  As I was perusing the journals, I came across one that said.... Her Children call Her Blessed...

I couldn't contain myself.  I had to ask the woman beside me in the section if she though this was crazy too.  I mean, why are we blessed?  Why aren't the children blessed to have her?  Aren't they the lucky ones?  We do everything for them.  Taxi service, housekeeper, launder their pissy and pooped on underwear.  We feed them, and love them even when they scream at us as toddlers and moody teenagers.  We do this because we love them, and never get thanks for it, which we don't want thanks, it's just part of the process.  But BLESSED?   Who is really the blessed ones in this equation?

I mean, if her children call her blessed, because of them?  Isn't that a little arrogant of them?  

Just my left thought for the day.
