So today, I am having one of those days. You may have had them too, or maybe you are lying to yourself and everyone else and you don't have them. I am many things, mom, wife, nurse, Lactation Consultant (aka Titty Technician), friend, woman, daughter, but these things are what I am to other people. Who and what am I to me, myself? Who am I, what am I? I am TIRED, selfish, easily distracted, a chaotic mess. I think I have lost myself in the last few years and need to find my way back. I have this love of quotes and quirky sayings. I use to pin them on pinterest and collect them. I have many favorites. For example: "She is delightfully chaotic, a beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure." Steve Maraboli So today I was at Barnes and Noble, I was going to pick up a journal and sit and write. As I was perusing the journals, I came across one that said.... Her Children call...